It is very easy to lose customers; however, bringing new ones is really harder. This is the reason why customer retention is too crucial. Most of the small businesses are suffering these days just because of the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 on the economy. It is becoming a crucial factor to retain customers under such drastic influences.

There are Certain Customer Retention Strategies as Follows:

Dynamic Support

In a survey, it was verified that most of the customers who have any problem with your product they will not tell you. They will simply just quit rather than complaining to you about your product or services. The way to find such issues is to sort them out before they exhaust your customer. You must send proactive customer support emails to the customers whose usage seems to be slipping.

Give Surprises For Customer Services
Great customer services are the basic requirements for prosperous customers. For customers, exceeding expectations works like wonders. In order to move above and beyond, you can give surprises to them by presenting them small appreciation gifts, personal thanksgiving emails to them, or handwritten notes.

Minimize Efforts Of Customers
According to Harvard Business Review, some of the findings suggested
that the greatest factor to show loyalty towards customers is not just making them happy but also decreasing the efforts made by customers. They will definitely have a great reason to stick around you if you will make their life easier.

Boost Your Value
If you are working hard to provide big value to your customers by your products and services, they will definitely see and appreciate this. It is a common psychological phenomenon that if a person is doing well with us then we must also do (and vice versa). Delight the customers with certain surprises or just remind them of the value that you deliver.

Convenience To Reach You
Make it sure that when a customer wants to approach you regarding any matter or want to seek your advice in any matter, try to make your meeting in a convenient manner. Make it easier for them to reach you. You can do so by displaying certain instructions to get in touch or giving support widget on each page that depicts the manner to get assistance from anywhere.

Make Use Of Good Phrases
Words really do matter, your language can have a great impact on what your customers hear from you and what you are saying either intentionally or unintentionally. Use some phrases like “Is there anything else that I can do for you”, “I will send you an update till”, I would be happy to assist you” etc.

Customer Education

You must try to become a trusted advisor for your customer. You must understand that what your customer exactly wants. If you exactly know what they want, then you will definitely become a trustworthy advisor who knows how to protect them. This will be the reason that they will stick to you for a lifetime.

Recover Well
Even after great efforts, things can go wrong sometimes. This is a standard and true fact of working life. The challenge here is how you recover from these situations. You must handle the scenario wisely. You must apologize for what you have done. Even if you did not do what made them upset, in this case as well you can be apologetic. Diagnose the reason behind the mistake and resolve that issue quickly.

Basic Standards For Customer Retention

As from the above article, it can be concluded that there are three strategies for customer retention:

• Making the customer happy
• Reducing the efforts to be made by Customers
• Deliver them outstanding customer service

By using these three pillars of customer retention you will definitely be the savior of your business and will join your customers with you for a lifetime.

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